Clinics and Services


Find out more about the services we offer


Adult Immunisation

By appointment

Tetanus and polio vaccinations are available from the practice nurse. Flu vaccinations are available each autumn and are recommended for all those over 65 or for patients of all ages who have heart disease, asthma or diabetes. Pneumococcal vaccinations are also available throughout the year.

Asthma Clinic

By appointment. Run by a doctor or a practice nurse.

  • Peak flow monitoring
  • Inhaler techniques
  • New medications
  • Spirometry service

Cervical Smears

By appointment

Cervical smears can be arranged for women of any age with either a practice nurse or doctor (female if preferred) and are particularly advised for women between the ages of 24 and 65 years - Please bring a urine sample with you.

Child Surveillance

By appointment

The doctors are available for the six-week baby check. Childhood vaccinations are now given at two, three and four months. These protect small babies from infections like polio and whooping cough, HIB Meningitis C and pneumonia.

Pre-school immunisations are given from 3 years 4 months of age. The only reasons for delaying injections are if your child has an Acute illness or has reacted very badly to a previous vaccination.

Coronary Heart Disease Clinic

By appointment. Run by a doctor or a practice nurse.

  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Cholesterol
  • Advice on diet

Diabetic Clinic

By appointment. Run by a doctor or a practice nurse.

  • Blood sugar measurements and urine test
  • Advice on diet
  • Foot care
  • Blood pressure measurement

Family Planning

By appointment.

  • Advice from doctor or practice nurse
  • Oral contraception or coil fitting (by doctors) and diaphragm fitting

Minor Surgery

By appointment. Run by a doctor and practice nurse.

  • Removal of cysts and lumps etc
  • Patient to see doctor before appointment is made

Wart Clinic

By appointment.

  • Treatment by freezing with liquid nitrogen
  • Performed by a doctor and a practice nurse
  • Appointments through reception

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